Friday, March 30, 2012

Report won't rerun after parameter change

One of our Sales Reps is having issues with a report I've made and as far as I know he's the only one (Out of about 50) who has had this issue. He's running IE 7. What happens is he'll enter in the parameters and run the report and it works fine. But when he goes to change the dates he entered as parameters and then clicks "View Report" again to run the report again, the browser just redisplays the same results and doesn't even generate a new report. It appears as if the browser has cached his previously ran report and then just redisplays it instead of going back to the server and re-generating the report. Has anyone seen this before or have any ideas? I appreciate it.


I ran into the same issue when the report was cached (by SSRS). It did not find any work around other than to not cache the report which unfortunately you have no control over and I would say is less than an optimal solution.

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