Friday, March 30, 2012

Report wizard question

is it possible to rerun the wizard after report creation?

during the report creation page and group items are set I want to be able to rerun the wizard to be able to change these,

is it possibl?

If you are in the report wizard, you should be able to press the back button until you get back to where you set the page and group items.

I don't believe that you can rerun the wizard if you have finished the wizard. However, if you have already finished the report wizard, the report should have generated a list (or set of lists depending on how many items you wanted in the page grouping) with a table in the innermost list. The table should contain the values of the group items in the table's grouping rows. If you want to change any of these, right click where you see a page or grouping item (should be in a textbox and looks something like =Fields!NameOfField.Value), select Expression..., expand Fields (name of data source) and replace the current expression with one of the other fields available.

Hope this helps.


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