Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Report with 2 or more tables and repeated rows.


I'm encountering a problem. The following happens:
I make 2 tables in my report. Both tables have detail rows.
The 2 tables can have a different amount of (repeated)detail rows (e.g. The one table most to the top of the report has 3 detail rows an the other, below the topmost table, has 6)

The thing now is that every detailrow in the bottom table is repeated 3 times(so 3x6 is 18 rows...)
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?


Fedor BrouwerI don't think the 2 tables are affecting each other, unless one is nested inside the other. This will probably be down to the way the row groups have been set up but without more information about the report it's a bit difficult to say.

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