Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Report Viewer w/SQL DB not showing in viewer?


This is driving me daft!

I designed the report and attached to the DB. The Query builder shows me data coming back.

I then attached the local report to the viewer, on a web page, and ran it in the IDE.

The webpage comes up witht the toolbar accross the top but no report! No error msg either.

When I step thru the codebehind. I added in a Try catch just so I could see what was going on.

The viewer object has the rpt and the SQL cmd thats in the report. So it seems to be connecting correctly. But no report. Not even just the text objects. I just get a blank viewer!

Help please!



I am having the same problem. I am using an object data source and the report is completely blank. I can export the data to excel or acrobat but I don't understand why I can't see any data at all on the page.|||

Did you specify a percentage as the height or width of the viewer? I saw another post that said there was a bug in the viewer so I changed my dimensions to pixels and it works.


I must try that.

More then likly I have %s on it.

I have seen this bug in a few objects to date. One that comes to mind is the Infragistics Tree controll.

Specify a % W/L and it does some strange stuff sometimes. Put in a pixel size or none at all and it works fine.



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