Monday, February 20, 2012

Report Run from a list instead of all

I am not sure where i should post this question since it falls both in Report Server and T-Sql but here goes...

I currently need to run a Report that has only specified records that the client/user wants clicking the check in the check box next to the record they want. They can pick as many or a few of the records that want then run a report only with the records they indicated they wanted... i am thinking they will need some kind of t-sql statement either a function or temp table but i am not sure if even that...

if anyone has any ideas please reply...


maybe this helps understand what i need.

EXAMPLE: Instead of running a report on records 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
they would run the report on records: 2, 5, 6, 9



One way to implement a short list process is to implement something like Jen Suessmeyer's "split" function; this function can be found at:

another more general write-up discussing strings and arrays can be found here:

Give these links a look.


|||thanks i am looking at them now... i will let you konw soemthing. Thanks for your help

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