Saturday, February 25, 2012

Report Server Database Documentation

Hail to all the serious Report Server users. Let us all start the documentation effort on Report Server Database (Reporting Services 2005). This will let us work around many problems that occur due to lask of documentation of the RS DB Schema.

Example :

    Subscriptions table in the report server database can be used for handling the subscriptions manually. A DML statement coupled with the same on the sysjobs in msdb database can stop corrupt subscriptions (which cannot be modified directly using User Interfaces)

Current Problem

    The problem that I am facing is related to the size of the Report Server (it is above 35 GBs, with 422 users) while its counter part with 128 users is only 4 GBs. This is due to a table ServerParametersInstance which is growing in an out-of-bound fashion. The lack of documentation is hurting.

So let us put in some effort & document the RS Database for good.

Any help is greatly appreciated...


I'm also finding a growth problem. My test ReportServer database grew to 28GB in just 4 months of light use (one user, 10 queries per week). I traced it to the ServerParametersInstance table which had millions of rows, most or all with a Path to a data model I haven't used in months. Create and Modified Dates show some rows as far back as Feb, some this week. I don't know what's adding them.

I deleted the data model and will be deleting associated rows (where Path = 'Old Model').

I can't find documentation on what maintains this table, but the CleanExpiredServerParameters goes by ExpireDate. All of the expire dates were 180 days from create date. Is there a setting that I missed?

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