Monday, February 20, 2012

Report Publishing broken

I work for a large school and we use Reporting Services 2000 to produce various confidential reports for staff on our secure web server so that they can be accessed at home. Students have access to a different part of the web server.

Recently we found that students could access part of the site they should't be able to: it turned out to be caused by Front Page Extensions (on Server 2003) adding the 'Network' account explicitly to all directories with 'Read' - very annoying. I dutifully removed front page extensions and the extra permissions and this fixed the access problem. However, now we can't do certain things with reporting services. Specifically:

1. Report Manager works but not uploading new files - you browse and click OK but nothing happens. If you try and do this with the command line (bypassing Report Manager) you get a 401 Unauthorised error even though authentication is OK on the IIS server (using full administrator privileges)

2. Roles can be removed but not added.

3. However, all existing reports work fine

Any help would be MUCH appreciated!

p.s I am very keen not to have to go back to Front Page Extensions again as in my opinon all the extra permissions they grant make a mess of securing down a server.

Unfortunately when you removed the Network Service ACL's, you may have removed permissions that Report Server services needed. The web service runs as Network Service (by default), and the Windows service may also be running as Network Service.

I'm afraid you'll need to debug each failure point and find out exactly which file cannot be accessed by Network Service. You should be able to get some information in the Report Server log files, in a folder called "LogFiles" alongside the ReportServer and ReportManager folders.

Without rerunning Reporting Services setup, there is no easy way to put the ACL's back the way RS needs them.



Many thanks for this reply and for the details about the log files. I had left the Network Service account in, as this is needed for all our stuff to work.

My colleague finally found the problem, which in case anyone else needs it is as follows:

He ran the upload under a different account and got a message saying that the jslibrary couldn't be found. To solve this you need to run:

aspnet_regiis -c

Thanks again for the help! At least Front Page extensions aren't required!

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