I set a report to 'Cache a temporary copy of the report. Expire copy of
the report on a Shared schedule'
I generate the report using the webservice function Render. All the
settings seem to be set properly, the cache options setting (using
GetCacheOptions) returns True, and the ExpirationDateTime is correct.
So how come when the report is run, it brings up a fresh rendition of
the report (according to the Globals!ExecutionTime variable)?
Could it be something I am not setting correctly when I render the
report? The only thing I am sending are the parameters (which by the
way I am forced to get directly from the database, since RS does not
retrieve second or third level parameters)
Please help!Hello Dear Hella
i need a feavour
i am Working on SQL Reporting Services since one month
i have a problem in generating report across the domains
My client database server is not configured to public domain
i am unable to access the report
So i thought of Using Web service to render the report
currently i am using Report viewer Control
You mentioned in your query that You are using web service
so can u help me in this regard
like what is the design to follow
and i need some code
waiting for your reply
have a good day
Anil Kumar
Hella wrote:
> I set a report to 'Cache a temporary copy of the report. Expire copy of
> the report on a Shared schedule'
> I generate the report using the webservice function Render. All the
> settings seem to be set properly, the cache options setting (using
> GetCacheOptions) returns True, and the ExpirationDateTime is correct.
> So how come when the report is run, it brings up a fresh rendition of
> the report (according to the Globals!ExecutionTime variable)?
> Could it be something I am not setting correctly when I render the
> report? The only thing I am sending are the parameters (which by the
> way I am forced to get directly from the database, since RS does not
> retrieve second or third level parameters)
> Please help!|||Anil,
Here is the code I am using:
Const REPORT_NAME = "/Reporting/Activity Types Detail"
Const FOLDER_PATH = "\\FileServer\Activity Types Detail\"
Dim strConn As String = "Integrated
Dim oConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(strConn)
Dim oDataRead As SqlDataReader
Dim forRendering As Boolean = True
Dim historyID As String = Nothing
Dim values As ReportService.ParameterValue() = Nothing
Dim credentials As ReportService.DataSourceCredentials() =Nothing
Dim parameters As ReportService.ReportParameter() = Nothing
Dim catItems As ReportService.CatalogItem() = Nothing
Dim rs As New ReportService.ReportingService
rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
rs.Timeout = 36000000 '10 hours
catItems = rs.ListChildren(REPORT_NAME, True)
For Each cItem As ReportService.CatalogItem In catItems
If cItem.Type.ToString.ToLower = "report" Then
Dim report As String = cItem.Path.ToString
WriteLog("Processing report: " & report, True)
If Mid(cItem.Name.ToString, 1, 7) = "Monthly" Then
'gets only 1st parameter values
parameters = rs.GetReportParameters(report,
historyID, forRendering, values, credentials)
If Not (parameters Is Nothing) Then
For Each ParamValue As
ReportService.ValidValue In parameters(0).ValidValues
'txtProgressLog.Text =txtProgressLog.Text & vbCrLf & "Parameter 1: " & parameters(0).Name & "
- " & ParamValue.Value
WriteLog("Parameter 1: " &
parameters(0).Name & " - " & ParamValue.Value, False)
'get second level parameters
Dim strCommand As String = "SELECT
DISTINCT T0.objid AS EmpObjid, T0.first_name + ' ' + T0.last_name AS
EmpName FROM dbo.table_employee T0 INNER JOIN dbo.table_act_entry T1 ON
T0.objid = T1.act_entry2user WHERE (DATEPART(yy, T1.entry_time) = 2005)
AND (T1.entry_time < LTRIM(STR(DATEPART(mm, GETDATE()))) + '/1/' +
LTRIM(STR(DATEPART(yy, GETDATE())))) AND T0.x_department = '" &
ParamValue.Value & "'"
Dim oComm As SqlCommand = New
SqlCommand(strCommand, oConn)
oDataRead = oComm.ExecuteReader
'Render reports using parameter
Do Until oDataRead.Read = False
'txtProgressLog.Text =txtProgressLog.Text & vbCrLf & "Parameter 2: " & parameters(1).Name & "
- " & oDataRead(0).ToString
WriteLog("Parameter 2: " &
parameters(1).Name & " - " & oDataRead(0).ToString & " - " &
parameters(2).Name & " - " & oDataRead(1).ToString, False)
'build parameter names and
Dim param(2) As
param(0) = New
param(1) = New
param(2) = New
param(0).Name =parameters(0).Name
param(0).Value =ParamValue.Value
param(1).Name =parameters(1).Name
param(1).Value = oDataRead(0)
param(2).Name =parameters(2).Name
param(2).Value = oDataRead(1)
Dim result As Byte() = Nothing
Dim iColon As Int16 = 0
Dim sFileName As String =cItem.Name.ToString & " - " & ParamValue.Value & " - " &
oDataRead(1).ToString & " - " & oDataRead(0).ToString
'remove colon from department name
iColon = InStr(sFileName, ":")
If iColon > 0 Then
sFileName = Mid(sFileName,
1, iColon - 1) & Mid(sFileName, iColon + 1)
End If
rs.SessionHeaderValue = New
result = rs.Render(report,
"HTML4.0", Nothing, Nothing, param, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing,
Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)
WriteLog("Execution date and
time: " & rs.SessionHeaderValue.ExecutionDateTime & vbTab & "Is new
execution: " & rs.SessionHeaderValue.IsNewExecution.ToString, False)
date and time: " & rs.SessionHeaderValue.ExpirationDateTime.ToString))
Dim ExpDef As
Options: " & rs.GetCacheOptions(report, ExpDef).ToString))
rs.SessionHeaderValue.IsNewExecution = True Then
Dim stream As FileStream =File.Create(FOLDER_PATH & sFileName & ".html", result.Length)
stream.Write(result, 0,
End If
'Process.Start(FOLDER_PATH &
sFileName & ".html")
oComm = Nothing
Next ParamValue
End If
Catch exc As SoapException
Exit Sub
End Try
End If
End If
Hope it helps.
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